
Re-Source Intégration is an organization committed to improving the qualification and the skills development of its workforce. As such, we have implemented a new and carefully planned ongoing strategy with all...

On Friday January 27th 2017, Re-Source Intégration employees gathered for an Appreciation Lunch held to applaud the amazing work they do here. In the presence of the organization’s Board of...

In February and June 2016, Re-Source Intégration greeted Municipal Councillors Mrs Louise Boudrias, Mr. Gilles Carpentier and Mr. Jean-François Leblanc, accompanied by the Board of Trustees’ President Mr. Robert Racicot...

The 30th anniversary closing ceremony was a beautiful reception held on Wednesday October 7th 2015 at the Club de Golf Tecumseh in Gatineau. Numerous guests included Re-Source Intégration’s Board of...

On June 16th 2014 took place the inaugural ceremony of Re-Source Intégration’s new facility in the presence of Elected Member Mr. Marc Carrière, Municipal Counsillor M. Stéphane Lauzon, Board of...